A Sibtitle Incantation

A charm is floating on the land of South Korea. As soon as we stepped on its territory, it took us on a fantastic journey. A subtle magnetism linked to the vital energy of the water. A dynamic force, sensitive at the same time, rooted in the heart. A witty softness opening the door to the enlightenment of our inside tenderness.

In Korea, our path was simple, smooth and light, in Korea we felt home. Even if the elements didn’t spare us, the brutal wind, the bitter snow and the intense rain, it seemed its world would open in front of us. A world made of thousands of hills, where the rhythm of uphill and downhill seemed to accelerate, and where the slopes forced us to crisscross in the middle of the road. A land, where the only flat places are man creations, like the rice fields, transforming the brown of the winter humid grounds to the green of the first spring sprouts. And like the tombs that appears in the middle of the plantations or on the top of the hills and that illustrated the link of the population with their ancestors, which are, there, considered as guide of the families.

A land of myriads of hills, where the green tea plantations pictures their curving slopes by its dancing lines. The green tint of the tealeaves also illustrated the Korean universe; a large scale of delightful green flourishing on the land, from the tea trees, to the rice sprouts, from the century old pines to the flexible bamboos, a luxurious nature. A green that is also died all the walls of the Zen Buddhist temples. Temples build in traditional architecture isolated in the middle of cliffs. Temples linked to a powerful force of unity, places vibrating outside of the time scale in harmony with the natural world. There, a mystifying view on the horizon revealed further and further the pastel shade of the mountainous landscape.

A mysterious respect reflected on its land, a respect we associated with the welcome of the population, hands together and the upper body bent in a simple and humble manner. A refreshing and cheerful welcome, we kept meeting along the way, like the humorous wooden faces, like this incredible old woman, dancing and singing with innocence and a perfect spontaneity in the middle of a crowded ferry.