
Back In Switzerland

After 5 years cycling on the roads of the world, after reaching New Zealand, after writing a book in French: “Nomades au cœur des éléments, un voyage initiatique à vélo”, we went back to Switzerland, for the first time, between January and April 2016. As soon as we arrived, we faced our biggest change, Time. From a world of the unknown, from a world without time, from a world of spaces, we entered the world of time, with an overbooked agenda. A race after time. We were immersed in it... to the point we got sometimes a sense of disappointment, not being able to nourish and share the true serenity and inner peace we discovered along the way.

Switzerland, however, was wonderful. The first sensation was that of the comfort that surrounded us, so much softness! Then the welcome, it was wonderful to see friends and family, and hugging them. We also cherish the fact that Nayla met all the people who are dear to us. Our heart was embraced with tenderness. Switzerland was also special for all the dishes we savoured, tastes that were almost forgotten ... Then the crystalline landscapes impressed us, high mountains, both wild and accessible. The discovery of skiing for Nayla was also sublime. She skied down the slopes at 2 and a half years!

A Return To The Source, Sharing Our Experiences

Our talks, about fifty in four months, received a warm welcome and we were touched by the reactions and people who spontaneously embraced us before disappearing into the crowd. We also created partnerships. Finally, everything went in place so that we can pursue our nomadic life, as if once again, the way opened in front of us...

The Call Of The Wild

En Route To The North

Today, the Great Northern Horizons call us. Starting in August 2016, we will be in Hokkaido on Japan's northernmost Island. We will continue our life of simplicity, in the heart of nature. It is with excitement that we will cycle to discover the Lights of Alterity. On a spiral of thousands of kilometers, we are going to cross wild and virgin territories in full autonomy, listening to the breath of the Earth. We will explore Siberia, Mongolia, Alaska, Canada, and northern Europe by bike. Our nomadic life will always be guided by our intuitions and the paths that are open to us, in the freedom of time and space. It will be guided by trust in Others and in Life. It is the inspiration that leads us, sometimes beyond our imagination. It is this life force that takes us beyond the horizon.


We have set up several partnerships regarding our equipment, and we would like to thank our partners. Constantly in the heart of the elements, our equipment suffers the consequences. And our route in the North also asks for more technical materials.

We are also impressed with the functioning of our bodies, who regenerate, adapt to each condition and show such endurance. This time, Nayla will also have the opportunity to cycle. A tandem system allows her to use a small bike, being fully involved in the adventure. Meanwhile, her bike trailer gives her a shelter and a home. It is her little house.


We made the final preparations in Malaysia, in the tropics, surrounded by the melody of the jungle and the rhythms of the tides. There, we were in the heart of cultural diversity, meeting people from all horizons, a daily invitation to travel. Yet the call of the North is getting stronger, insisting... This is where the Earth is calling us. We are delighted to make the preparations. The joy of hitting the road is powerful. Once again it is a process. We are taking only the essentials, liberating ourselves from the weight of possession. What a feeling of lightness, as if we were freer. We are exciting to sleep in our tent. Our body can't wait to be connected with the energies of the Earth. We too, already imagine the delicious smells, the birds singing, and the sweetness of our little home. Our whole being vibrates with the pursue of our nomadic life. We are ready to dive every day in the unknown, in a fabulous discovery.